Scholarly Projects

All residents complete a scholarly project and identify research mentors for their scholarly project during their first year. Each resident has the option of spending one morning per week as designated research time starting in the second year and can complete a research elective rotation to allow for intensive dedication to scholarship. Residents with longitudinal half-day research time attend an intensive clinical research rotation during their second year and quarterly workshops with key faculty that focuses on building academic research skills. In addition, all residents participate in clinic site-specific quality improvement projects throughout all three years.
Selected Scholarly Projects
Clinical Sciences
- Effect of High Protein Intake on Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Very Low Birth Weight Infants
- Why Do Some Kids Get So Sick From the Common Cold? A Whole Exome Sequencing Study
- Implementing 3D Models for Mechanical Circulatory Support Pre-Surgical Assessment in Congenital Heart Disease Treatment
Educational Development
- Implementing a Database of Medical and Mental Health Resources for LGBT Adolescent Patients
- Quality Study on Education of Consultations
- Design, Implementation and Analysis of a Healthcare Economics Curriculum for Pediatric Residents
- Instituting a Food Insecurity Screening Tool in an Outpatient Adolescent Clinic
- Experience of Families with Limited English Proficiency on Family-Centered Rounds
- Creating a Wellness Environment with CHALK: A School-Based Prevention Program
Quality Improvement
- Standardizing Treatment by Establishing a Pathway (STEP) for Urinary Tract Infections
- Improving Maternal Depression Screening and Follow-up
- Implementation of Prophylactic Fluoride for Low-Dental Resource Communities​
Global Health
- Intensive Pediatric Management with Laos Friends Children's Hospital
- Emergency Department Outcomes for Pediatric Patients in Ethiopia