Educational Conferences

Residents are an integral part of the educational and learning experience and take an active role in the planning and implementation of our curriculum. Organized conferences, seminars, and workshops are held weekly and include :
- Chief of Service Lecture Series: Case-based and department wide conference using a format of presentation of a case and discussion with active participation of the housestaff. The third-year senior residents each present one formal chief of service round during the year.
- Grand Rounds: State-of-the-art lectures presented by local, national, and international authorities on important topics of pediatrics
- Intern Conference: Weekly conference designed specifically for interns. Topics range widely from history and physical findings, to generation of a differential diagnosis, to a discussion of a specific topic.
- Morning and Noon Resident Educational Conferences: Didactic and interactive series of lectures on a wide variety of topics presented by many different members of the Department of Pediatrics
- Diversity and Inclusion Council Morning Seminar Series: An interactive workshop-style series discussing implicit bias, microaggressions and issues surrounding patient care of the LGTBQIA community and underrepresented communities in pediatrics.
- Evidence Based Medicine and QI Journal Club: Review of recent articles of importance in pediatrics with particular attention to methodological and statistical analysis. Specifically oriented to the junior and senior residents, though all housestaff are invited to attend.
- Mock Code and Simulation Curriculum: Mock codes are held monthly with high-fidelity simulation