The Pediatric Dietary Intervention for Children with ALL Study

The Pediatric Dietary Intervention for Children with ALL Study (PEDALL) aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a six-month virtually-delivered dietary education intervention in English and Spanish-speaking families. The focus is on preventing overweight and obesity (OW/OB) in children and adolescents undergoing maintenance chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The effectiveness of the intervention will be determined through this study and findings will help allocate resources to individuals most susceptible to OW/OB.
Educational Handouts/Folletos Educativo
- Why Does Nutrition Matter.pdf
- Understanding Food Labels.pdf
- Goals Assessment.pdf
- High Fiber Foods.pdf
- Protein.pdf
- Energy-Dense Foods.pdf
- Low GI.pdf
- Mealtime Routine.pdf
- Healthy Snacking.pdf
- Healthy Eating Outside of the Home.pdf
- Picky Eating.pdf
- Arranging a Better Plate.pdf
- Sugar Sweetened Beverages.pdf
- Portion Sizes.pdf
- Mindful Eating.pdf
- ¿Porque es importante la Nutricion?.pdf
- Entendiendo las Etiquetas Nutricionales.pdf
- Evaluación de Objetivos.pdf
- Alimentos ricos en fibra.pdf
- Proteína.pdf
- Alimentos Densos en Energía.pdf
- Principios para comer con bajo índice glucémico.pdf
- Estableciendo una rutina a la hora de comer.pdf
- Refrigerio saludable.pdf
- Alimentación saludable fuera de casa.pdf
- Lidiando con Selectividad al comer.pdf
- Organizando un mejor plato.pdf
- Bebidas endulzadas con azúcar.pdf
- Porciones.pdf
- Control de Estímulos y Alimentación Consciente.pdf