Gershon Lab
Location and Contact Information
Principal Investigator
The Gershon Lab studies varicella zoster virus (VZV), which causes varicella and herpes zoster. Current projects include a study of occult zoster in the gastrointestinal tract, manifested by a variety of symptoms including otherwise unexplained abdominal pain, achalasia, and ulcers. Patients are screened by demonstration of VZV DNA in saliva by PCR and confirmed by biopsy specimens that are being performed as part of a GI workup. We are also studying the pathogenesis of varicella and zoster in immunocompromised guinea pigs, with special emphasis of infection of the GI tract, by infecting hairless guinea pigs with VZV. Finally we are studying the mechanism by which latency of VZV is established in guinea pig neurons in vitro, using infected lymphocytes .
Lab Members
Michael D. Gershon, MD
- Co-Principal Investigator
Elizabeth Flores
- Technician
Select Publications
Wutzler, P., P. Bonnano, M. Burgess, A. Gershon et al. Varicella vaccination - the global experience. Expert review of vaccines, 1-11 (2017).
Shaw, J. & Gershon, A.A. Varicella Virus Vaccination in the United States. Viral Immunol (2017).
Willis, E.D., et al. Herpes zoster vaccine live: A 10year review of post-marketing safety experience. Vaccine 35, 7231-7239 (2017).
Gershon, A.A. Is chickenpox so bad, what do we know about immunity to varicella zoster virus, and what does it tell us about the future? The Journal of infection 74 Suppl 1, S27-S33 (2017).