Moneek Madra, PhD
- Assistant Professor of Nutrition in Pediatrics and the Institute of Human Nutrition at CUMC

Moneek Madra is an Assistant Professor of Nutrition at the Institute of Human Nutrition and the Department of Pediatrics. She received her BS degree from University of Windsor in Biology, her MS from Columbia University in Human Nutrition, and her Ph.D. from Columbia University in Nutritional & Metabolic Biology. As a faculty member in the IHN MS program she teaches courses on Physiology & Nutrition through the Lifecycle and Research Methods. She is also responsible for the coordination the MS thesis process. Her PhD studies focused on the development of a novel mouse model of Anorexia Nervosa used to identify the triggers and potential therapeutic targets of the disease. She is currently a member of Kara Gross-Margolis' research group where she focuses on the role of serotonin in the development of irritable bowel disease.
Academic Appointments
- Assistant Professor of Nutrition in Pediatrics and the Institute of Human Nutrition at CUMC
- Female
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- MSc, 2006 Human Nutrition , Columbia University
- PhD, 2015 Nutritional & Metabolic Biology, Columbia University
Selected Publications
Madra, M. and Zeltser, L.M. "BDNF-Val66Met variant and adolescent stress interact to promote susceptibility to anorexic behavior in mice" Translational Psychiatry (6). e776 (2016)
Area-Gomez, E., del Carmen Lara Castillo, M., Tambini, M.D., Guardia-Laguarta, C., de Groof, A.J.C, Madra, M., Ikenouchi, J., Umeda, M., Bird, T.D., Sturley, S.L., and Schon. E., A. "Upregulated function of mitochondria-associated ER membranes in Alzheimer disease." EMBO Journal 1-18, (2012)
Madra, M. and Sturley, S., "Niemann Pick Type C Pathogenesis and Treatment: from statins to sugars." Clinical Lipidology 5 (3). 387 - 195 (2010)